Add Transitions to Content.

Transitions can be used on both Clever and Static playlists.


The steps below are how to add transitions to a Clever playlist

  1. Create a new Clever playlist
  2. Add content to the playlist
  3. The user will have the option to add transitions to all the content on the playlist.
  4. To add transitions click on the icon
  5. The option to select transition type will open
  6. Click on the Transition Type dropdown to select the desired transition. Then click on the check mark to add the selection.
  7. When done, click on the Save Playlist button to complete creating the Clever playlist.


Steps below are on how to add transitions to a Static playlist.  Playlist can also be edited after is complete.

  1. Create a new Static playlist
  2. Add content to the playlist
  3. The user will have the option to add transitions to all the content on the playlist.
  4. To add transitions click on the icon
  5. The option to select transition type will open
  6. Click on the Transition Type dropdown to select the desired transition. Click on the check mark to add the selection
  7. When done, click on the Save Playlist button to complete creating the Static playlist.

About Elsa Jancan

Currently working as a Technical Support Analyst with RMG Networks. I have over 10 years of experience in the Digital Signage Industry. I have a BBS degree in Marketing from the University of Texas at El Paso