How can we confirm if a BrightSign is able to connect to Korbyt?

  • Log into the BrightSign configuration page using the default login of “admin” and password of “The Serial number located on the bottom of your BrightSign player” unless you have changed those login credentials.
  • Click on the diagnostics tab and enter as the Download Speed Test url:

  • If you get a response similar to “Downloaded 19.000 Bytes in 0 seconds (226 milliseconds) – 83.819 B/s” then the player is communicating with Korbyt.
  •  If you get an error then you have a network issue preventing communication between the player and Korbyt.
  •  An additional URL to test against is
  • Lastly, if go to the log tab and select download log, you can provide that log to RMG Korbyt Support or review it yourself for additional information.