How to Add Zoom Meeting to a Layout
How to Add Zoom Meeting to a Layout:
- Start in the Message or Layout builder. Select the Zoom Meeting button from the tool box and then drag it to the layout.
- The next step is to select the gear icon by hovering over the top right corner of the element and then selecting “Edit Element”.
- Enter the Zoom Meeting ID and Display Name. Check the “Required” box to add Meeting password. *make sure there are no spaces for Meeting ID. The Zoom information is available when you Start your zoom meeting.
- The first box displays the Zoom Meeting ID and the Second id the password.
- This information has to be entered on the Layout with the Zoom element like showing below.
- Select the check to confirm the meeting, then save and publish to show meeting.
- Add the Zoom meeting layout into a playlist and assign to player. (set playlist duration to “0” and “no animation”)
- In the Zoom meeting, please admit the the Korbyt element into the meeting (Display Name).